Introduction to Embodied Singing

An embodied voice is one that is organically connected to the whole instrument - the body.

These classes provide pathways for voice students to build their voice from within using their whole body, allowing for flexibility, nuance, and power.


Course Leader Lea Baker

• MFA (Voice) National Institute Dramatic Art, Sydney

• Master Director – Endeavour Harmony Chorus

• 30 years experience in choral musical leadership

Lea Baker (she / her) is a voice pedagogue, singing teacher, singer and voice coach. Her teaching philosophy focuses on tension-free, resonant and embodied singing. With a firm grounding in the science and physiology of the human instrument, Lea helps students discover their natural, organic and instinctive voice.

Lea is the founder and Music / Artistic Director of Endeavour Harmony Chorus, a multi award winning acappella ensemble in Sydney, Australia. Having formed the group 25 years ago, she has refined the training of her new chorus members to the specific and relevant skills they need. All her chorus members undertake the online Choirs Vocal Program.

“The course doesn’t replace vocal education at rehearsals, but it’s an excellent precursor, giving our new singers a solid understanding of key vocal concepts to build on at our weekly choir rehearsals” Lea Baker.

Lea is a full-time voice teacher – online and at her studio in Sydney. She is an in-demand coach for ensembles and quartets around Australia.

Lea is a proud member of the National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS), Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing (ANATS), Australian Society of Music Educators (ASME), Sweet Adelines International (SAI) and The National Association of Music Educators (NAfME).

Course curriculum

    1. Part 1 - thought breath connection

    2. Part 2 - thought breath sound connection

    3. Part 3 - Tension release and the Linklater Resonance Ladder

About this course

  • $45.00
  • 3 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content


Coming soon